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Materi Kedokteran Pdf


Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran:APLIKASI FILSAFAT PADA ABORSI ;Dosen :Dr. Budi Iman Santoso, SpOG(K); Universitas Indonesia
2012SENSE ORGANS [.pdf] [2,122.1 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : SENSE ORGANS; oleh : Dr. Gregory Budiman, MBiomed000b; UI
SENSE ORGANS Dr. Gregory Budiman, MBiomed 1 What is sense organs? ? General : ? Special: ? ? Somatic : ? Visceral: ? ? General sensory somatic ? visceral ? GSA : ? GVA : ? Special sense somatic ? visceral ? SSA : ? SVA : 2 What to study : ? Anatomy of the special sense organs ? Tracts from the receptors up to the cerebral cortex. ? Applied anatomy 3 VISION ORGAN ? OBJECTIVES: ? Describe the anatomy of the eyeball and its accessory organ ? Explain the mechanism of eye movement (extrinsic eye mus
2013Anatomi Dasar Panggul : Dibuat Mudah dan Sederhana [.pdf] [507.9 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran:Anatomi Dasar Panggul : Dibuat Mudah dan Sederhana ;Dosen :Dr. Budi Iman Santoso, SpOG(K); Universitas Indonesia
2014Rehabilitation of Sensory disorders [.pdf] [691.0 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : Rehabilitation of Sensory disorders ; oleh : Luh Karunia Wahyuni, Ira Mistivani000b; UI
Rehabilitation of Sensory disorders Luh Karunia Wahyuni Ira Mistivani 1 Sensory disorders ? Blind or visually impaired child ? Blindness ? Low vision ? Hearing loss 2 Blindness and visual impairment 3 Afric an Regi on Regio n of the Ameri cas Easte rn Medit erran ean Regio n 502.8 4 11% 12.4 Eur ope an Regi on Sout hEast Asia Regi on Western Pacific Region Total Populatio 672. 852.6 n 2 # of blind people 6.8 2.4 7% 13.1 877. 1,590 9 .80 2.7 7% 12.8 11.6 32% 33.5 1,717.50 9.3 25% 32.5
2015EYE EXAMINATION [.pdf] [13,293.0 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : EYE EXAMINATION ; oleh : Gitalisa Andayani, Nila F Moeloek, Setiowati Suhardjono ; Dept of Ophthalmology,Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
EYE EXAMINATION Gitalisa Andayani Nila F Moeloek Setiowati Suhardjono Dept of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia 1 ANATOMY OF THE EYE 2 Anamnesis 1. 2. 3. 4. Chief complaint: - acute persistent visual loss - chronic progressive visual loss - flashes, photopsia - red eye - proptosis - tearing, etc History taking Family history Systemic diseases 3 Visual loss Abnormalities in media of refraction cornea, anterior chamber, lens, vitreous body Abnormalities in neural tissue
2016Introduction to Eye Problems in Indonesia [.pdf] [3,413.3 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : Introduction to Eye Problems in Indonesia; oleh : Gitalisa Andayani000b; Department of Ophthalmology, FKUI
Introduction to Eye Problems in Indonesia Gitalisa Andayani Department of Ophthalmology, FKUI Jakarta 2008 1 The EYE Most vital sensory organ (80% of information obtained from vision) Delicate Eye problems: - encountered in everyday clinical practice - may cause visual impairment - worldwide health problem Visual impairment Definitions (WHO): Visual impairment: low vision and blindness - Low vision: best corrected visual acuity of 6/18 to 3 m counting fingers (CF) - Blindness: best corrected v
2017SUMMARY OF EYE PROBLEMS [.pdf] [13,346.3 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : SUMMARY OF EYE PROBLEMS ; oleh : Dr. Gitalisa Andayani, SpM000b; Department of OpthalmologyFKUI/RSCM
SUMMARY OF EYE PROBLEMS Dr. Gitalisa Andayani, SpM Department of Opthalmology FKUI/RSCM 1 EYE PROBLEMS ? Red eyes (normal and decreased vision) ? Chronic visual (progressive) loss ? Acute visual (persistent) loss ? Trauma ? Abnormalities in ocular alignment and motility ? Refractive disorders RED EYES - Congestion of conjunctival blood vessels - If clarity of media disturbed vision decreased - In developing countries accounts for 40% eye problems Red Eyes, normal vision Conjunctivitis (bacterial/
2018Alat Kontrasepsi dalam rahim [.pdf] [2,341.9 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran:Alat Kontrasepsi dalam rahim ;Dosen :Prof. Dr. Yunizaf, SpOG ; Universitas Indonesia
2019Eye Examination [.pdf] [209.4 KB]
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : Eye Examination
Eye Examination 1 Direct Ophthalmoscopy ? Examination of the posterior segment of the eye (vitreous, optic nerve head or disk, vessels, retina, choroid) is performed with the aid of an ophthalmoscope. ? For optimum dilated fundus examination, mydriatic agents in common use are cyclopentolate 0.5% or tropicamide 1%/phenylephrine 2.5%. CI in shallow anterior chamber. 2 Direct Ophthalmoscopy ? The optic nerve head should be brought into focus and examined. This structure is generally circular to oval wi
Materi Kuliah Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia : BIOCHEMICHISTRY OF EYE TISSUE ; oleh : Sri Widia A Jusman000b; Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology FMUI
BIOCHEMICHISTRY OF EYE TISSUE Sri Widia A Jusman Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology FMUI 1 METABOLIC PATHWAYS IN EYE TISSUE ? Glycolysis ( aerobic & anaerobic) ? HMP shunt ? Poliol pathway ? TCA cycle 2 GLYCOLYSIS ? Is the major pathway for glucose metabolism ? to obtain energy ? Occurs in the cytosol of all cells ? Can function either aerobically or anaerobically ? In aerobic condition ? glucose was converted into pyruvate in cytosol ? then pyruvate enter the mitochondria and will be oxid
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