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12 Week Crossfit Program Pdf Software

Training six days a week requires careful phasing and programming to help maintain all training parameters without overreaching. This program works as maintenance for lift technique and raw strength while improving aerobic capacity and muscle endurance. Heavy lifts without overloading training volume allow the athlete to maintain intensity in the three big lifts while also maintaining technique in doing Olympic lifts. Daily workouts which emphasize functional movements that avoid over-using the shoulders allows great foundation for any follow-up programs.

Our daily workout regimens include regular use of functional movements. Despite having abandoned exercise machines and straying more into functional training, the assault bike still offers an incredibly efficient resistance-based workout. Anyone who uses an assault bike would feel using all four limbs in a high-level resistance training crushes calories faster than any other workout and takes their aerobic conditioning to the next level.

CrossFit Endurance's Unconventional 12-Week Marathon. To try this 12-week program for runners, seek out a CrossFit Endurance gym. Training Plans Using a Training Plan is a great way to set your goals, whether it is Crossfit, weightlifting or gymnastics!

No other exercise demands the same level of work for a given time, making it incredibly efficient. The assault bike is resistance training combined with high-intensity aerobic training, without the cost of high impact on the joints.

Daily workouts combine a variety of functional movements with the regular use of the assault bike because it offers conditioning that is superior and more efficient than any other aerobic machine.

Daily workouts combine a variety of functional movements with the regular use of the assault bike because it offers conditioning that is superior and more efficient than any other aerobic machine.

A huge benefit of the assault bike is its extremely low impact in the joints. Running, jumping, and most exercises we see in functional training are high impact, grinding movements. Without a barbell or weight, the athlete grinds against a flywheel. Athletes with previous knee, back or ankle injuries won’t have any problems using this machine.

Combining Assault Air Bike work with cleans, snatches, deadlifts, front and back squats and deadlifts is strategic. The body can only train 6 days per week, as with this program, if it is able to recover adequately. The workout programs include the optimal amount of resistance work with weight combined and low impact resistance movements to improve strength while at the same time making gains in aerobic capacity and endurance.

This program is designed to maintain technique and explosiveness while improving strength and endurance. Strength sets and reps are performed timely to keep the athlete on track but also performing with minimal rest.

The Olympic lifts are each performed once per week for muscle maintenance. Strength in the clean is also reinforced with higher percentages each week.

Strength is something we all have room to improve on, and this program hits the major muscle groups each time. Front and back squats along with deadlifts are the foundations of overall strength.

Finally, the shoulders are taken care of with specific warm-ups to fire them up before any shoulder work. We now know how important it is to have shoulders warm and mobile before any loading to ensure they are stable through all pressing movements, as well as snatching and jerking.

This program is intended for use by the intermediate and advanced athletes looking to improve functional fitness training to perform better at CrossFit style competitions. Always be sure to perform exercises with excellent technique before loading weight.


Day 1

  • Warm Up
  • Min 1/3/9 5x Strict C2B Pull Ups
  • Min 2/6/10 5x Strict Ring Dips
  • Min 3/7/11 15x GHD Sit Ups
  • Rest 4/8/12


Max 12 min for working sets (in Bold)

Front Squats 6am

  • 10@ 65% x2
  • 5@ 75% x2
  • 5@ 85% x 2
  • Rest 3 min

Split Jerk 615am

  • 5×3 working to new PB

Shoulder to Overhead

  • BB Strict press 5×3


  • For Time
  • 21-15-9
  • Assault Bike
  • Thrusters @40kg
  • Pull Ups

Day 2

Shoulder warm up prehab

  • 3 ROUNDS
  • 10 Front Raises
  • 10 Reverse Fly
  • 10 Lateral Raise

EMOM 12min-

  • 3x Power Snatch (min 1/3/5/7/9/11)
  • 3x Squat Snatch (min 2/4/6/8/10/112)

Snatch Lift Off-

  • 3×5

Snatch Balance To OHS-

  • Working on technique
  • 3×3
  • 2×2
  • 3×1



  • 25Cal Assault AirBike or Assault AirRunner Buy in
  • 5x Bar M/U
  • 10x DB Ground to Overhead
  • 15x T2B
  • 10x Squat Snatch

Twilight saga breaking dawn part 2 in hindi mp4 free download full. Day 3

  • Stretch Day/Recovery/Light Session

Workout –

  • 1km Assault Bike
  • 1km Assault Runner
  • 1km Rower
  • 100 DU

Day 4

  • Warm Up-
  • 3x 30m Prowler Push
  • 3x 2 Legless Rope Climb
  • X6, X4, X2 HSPU


  • (Weight you can do all sets unbroken)
  • X10,X15,X20,X25

12Min Cap 3sets-

  • 6x Bent Over Row
  • 6x L&R Single Arm Row
  • 6x DB Deadlift


  • 3x Deadlift @130kg
  • 5x Box Jump Overs
  • 10x C2B
  • 15Cal Assault AirBike
  • 10x GHD Sit Ups

Day 5

  • Warm Up
  • 3x 40m Yoke Walk @ bodyweight x2

Back Squat time cap 12min-

  • x7@ 65% x2
  • x5@ 75% x2
  • x5@ 85%x2


  • @weight you can do all unbroken
  • X10,X15,X20,X25


  • 21-15-9
  • Assault AirBike
  • Thrusters
  • T2B

Day 6

  • Warm Up-
  • 10x Banded Ring M/U
  • 10x Banded Ring P/U
  • 10x Banded Tricep Extension
  • 10x Banded Pull Aparts

Clean & Jerk-

Once you cant jerk continue to clean

x3@ 65%, x3@ 70%, x3@ 75%, x2@ 80%, x2@ 85%, x1@ 90% x1@ 90%

Clean Grip Lift Off-

3×3@ 85%

2×3@ 92%


BB Split Squat & GHD Hamstring Curls-

4×6 Reps



30Cal. Assault AirBike or AirRunner Buy in

Power Clean

Front Squat

GHD Sit Ups

30Cal. Assault AirBike or AirRunner Buy in


Day 1

  • Warm Up- 530am
  • Min 1/3/9 30sec L Sit Hold
  • Min 2/6/10 6x Strict HSPU
  • Min 3/7/11 2x Legless Rope Climbs
  • Rest 4/8/12


  • Max 12 min for working sets (in Bold)

Front Squats 6am

  • 7@ 65% x2
  • 5@ 75% x2
  • 3@ 85% x 2
  • Rest 3 min

Split Jerk 615am

  • 5×3 working to new PB

Shoulder to Overhead 630am

  • Push Jerk 7×3 Work to 1RM PB


  • Max Rounds for 15 min
  • 15x Cal Assault AirBike
  • 6x Hang Clean 2 push jerk @40
  • 5x Pull Ups
  • 10x GHD Sit Ups

Day 2

Shoulder warm up prehab-

  • 3 ROUNDS
  • 10 Front Raises
  • 10 Reverse Fly
  • 10 Lateral Raise
  • 10 SDHP

EMOM 12min-

  • 3x Full Snatch catching in squat

Snatch Lift Off-

  • 3×5

Snatch Balance To OHS-

  • Working on technique
  • X3,X3,X3,X2,X2,X1,X1,X1



  • 8x Snatch
  • 8x T2B
  • 8x Bar Facing Burpees
  • 100m Assault AirRunner


  • 1 M/U EMOM 10min

Day 3

  • Stretch Day/Recovery/Light Session

Workout –

  • 1km Assault AirBike
  • 1km Ski Erg
  • As many KM till Failure on Assault AirRunner
  • 500m Swim

Day 4

Warm Up-

  • 4x 30m BB lunge
  • 4x Backward sled Drag
  • 3 Rounds
  • 10 C2B
  • 1min Plank


  • 3x@ 65%, 3@ 70%, 3@ 75%, 2@ 80%, 2@ 85%

12Min Cap 3sets-

  • 6x Bent Over Row
  • 6x L&R Single Arm Row
  • 6x DB Deadlift


  • 25-20-15-10
  • Assault AirBike
  • Deadlifts @105kg
  • T2B
  • GHD sit ups

Day 5

Warm Up-

  • 3x 40m Yoke Walk @ bodyweight x2
  • 3x 50m Farmers Walks

Back Squat time cap 12min-

  • x7@ 65% x2
  • x5@ 75% x2
  • x3@ 85%x2


  • 21-15-9 @ 43kg x2 Rounds


8 Rounds 1min on 30sec off

  1. A) Double Unders
  2. B) T2B
  3. C)Assault AirBike

Day 6

Warm Up-

  • 10x Banded Ring M/U
  • 10x Banded Ring P/U
  • 10x Banded Tricep Extension
  • 10x Banded Pull Aparts


  • 21-15-9 Resting 2min between sets

Clean Grip Lift Off-

  • 3×3@ 90%
  • 2×3@ 95%

BB Split Squat & GHD Hamstring Curls-

  • 4×6 Reps (each side with BB SS)


For Time

  • 50cal Row
  • 3-6-9-12
  • Squat Clean
  • Burpees
  • GHD Sit Ups
  • 50cal AirBike


Day 1

  • Warm Up- 530am
  • Min 1/3/9 30sec HandStand Hold
  • Min 2/6/10 Alt. Pistol Squats
  • Min 3/7/11 6 Strict T2B
  • Rest 4/8/12


Max 12 min for working sets (in Bold)

Front Squats 6am

  • 7@ 60% x2
  • 5@ 70% x2
  • 3@ 80% x 2
  • Rest 3 min

Split Jerk 615am

  • 3×3 working to new PB

Shoulder to Overhead 630am

  • Push Jerk
  • 21-15-9 x 2 Rounds


  • 15min Amrap
  • Assault AirRunner 200m
  • 10x Strict Pull Ups
  • 10x Clapping Push Ups
  • 25x Squats

Day 2

Shoulder warm up prehab-

  • 3 ROUNDS
  • 10x Front Raises
  • 10x Reverse Fly
  • 10x Lateral Raise
  • 10x SDHP

Full Snatch-

  • 21-15-9
  • All Reps Unbroken add weight each change

Snatch Balance To OHS-

  • 21-15-9 x2 Rounds



  • 30Cal. Assault AirBike Buy In
  • 10 Wall Balls
  • 10 DB Squat Snatch
  • 30 D/U


  • 1 M/U EMOM 10min

Day 3

  • Stretch Day/Recovery/Light Session

Workout –

  • 10km Assault AirBike

Day 4

Warm Up-

  • 3x 30m Prowler Push
  • 3x Legless Rope Climbs

8min AMRAP

  • 7T2B
  • 10x GHD Sit Ups


  • UNBROKEN x 2 Rounds of
  • X30
  • Rest 2 Min
  • X25

12Min Cap 3sets-

  • 6x Bent Over Row
  • 6x L&R Single Arm Row
  • 6x DB Deadlift

AMRAP 12min

  • 10 Cal. Assault Air Runner
  • 10 Kb swings
  • 5 Turkish Get Ups
  • 30m Sled Push

Day 5

Warm Up-

  • 6x 30sec Weighted Planks

Back Squat time cap 12min-

  • x7@ 60% x2
  • x5@ 70% x2
  • x3@ 80%x2


  • X30
  • Rest 2min
  • X20


  • 21-15-9
  • Cal Assault Airbike
  • Thrusters
  • Burpee over Rower (bar if using bike)

Day 6

Warm Up-

  • 10x Banded Ring M/U
  • 10x Banded Ring P/U
  • 10x Banded Tricep Extension
  • 10x Banded Pull Aparts

Clean & Jerk-

  • Once you can’t continue to jerk continue to clean
  • x3@ 65%, x3@ 70%, x3@ 75%, x2@ 80%, x2@ 85%, x1@ 90% x1@ 90%

Clean Grip Lift Off-

  • 3×3@ 90%
  • 2×3@ 95%

BB Split Squat & GHD Hamstring Curls-

  • 4×6 Reps (each side with BB Split Squat)


  • For Time
  • 10-15-20-25
  • Clean @30kg
  • Push Ups
  • T2B
  • Cal Assault AirBike


Day 1

Warm Up- 530am

  • Min 1/3/9 25 Unbroken Du
  • Min 2/6/10 10-15 GHD Sit Ups
  • Min 3/7/11 2-5 M/U
  • Rest 4/8/12


  • Max 12 min for working sets (in Bold)

Front Squats 6am

  • 7@ 65% x2
  • 5@ 75% x2
  • 3@ 85% x 2
  • Rest 3 min

Split Jerk 615am

  • 3×3 working to new PB

Shoulder to Overhead 630am

  • Push Jerk
  • 3×3
  • 2×2
  • 3×1


  • “15.3”
  • 14Min AMRAP
  • 7 M/U
  • 50WB @9kg
  • 100 D/U
  • 10Cal Assault AirRunner or Airbike

Day 2

Shoulder warm up prehab-

  • 3 ROUNDS
  • 10 Front Raises
  • 10 Reverse Fly
  • 10 Lateral Raise

EMOM 12min-

  • 3x Power Snatch (min 1/3/5/7/9/11)
  • 3x Squat Snatch (min 2/4/6/8/10/12)

Snatch Lift Off-

  • 3×5

Snatch Balance To OHS-

  • Working on technique
  • 3×3
  • 2×2
  • 3×1

5 Strict HSPU EMOM 10min


  • 21-15-11-9
  • OHS
  • C2B
  • Assault AirBike

Day 3

  • Stretch Day/Recovery/Light Session

Workout –

  • 10x 250m Assault AirBike Sprints
  • Resting 1min

Day 4

Warm Up-

  • 3x 30sec HSPU HOLDS
  • 3x Backward Sled Pull
  • 3×6 Ring Dips


  • 3@ 70%
  • 3@ 75%
  • 3@ 80% x 3
  • 1@ 85%
  • 1@ 90%

12Min Cap 3sets-

  • 6x Bent Over Row
  • 6x L&R Single Arm Row
  • 6x DB Deadlift


  • 8min AMRAP
  • 5x Power Clean
  • 5x Front Squat
  • 20x D/U
  • 10Cal Assault AirBike

Day 5

Warm Up-

  • 3x 40m Yoke Walk @ bodyweight x2
  • 3×6 De
  • .adball over shoulder

Back Squat time cap 12min-

  • x7@ 65% x2
  • x5@ 75% x2
  • x5@ 85%x2


  • 21-15-9


  • AMRAP 13min
  • 15Cal Assault AirBike
  • 30x D/U
  • 35x KB swings (18kg/14kg)

Day 6

Warm Up-

  • 10x Banded Ring M/U
  • 10x Banded Ring P/U
  • 10x Banded Tricep Extension
  • 10x Banded Pull Aparts

Clean & Jerk-

  • Once you can’t jerk continue to clean
  • x3@ 65%, x3@ 70%, x3@ 75%, x2@ 80%, x2@ 85%, x1@ 90% x1@ 90%

Clean Grip Lift Off-

  • 3×3@ 85%
  • 2×3@ 92%
  • 1×3@95%

BB Split Squat & GHD Hamstring Curls-

  • 4×6 Reps


  • 3-6-9-12
  • (25cal Assault AirBike Buy in & out)
  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • GHD Sit Ups

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Hope your weekend was BOMB!

I will be posting about my fun sisters weekend tomorrow AND I am hoping to have posts planned and scheduled for the rest of the week!!

I will be at ALT SUMMIT (the blog conferences of blog conferences) all week BUT NEVER FEAR…follow the party on my instagram


I also add fitness tips and tricks throughout the week that you don’t want to miss out on!

So…let’s be instagram friends! DONE AND DONE!

Before you look at the workouts for WEEK 2…check out this makeshiftghettovideo that I made to show you all the movements that are included in these workouts!

CrossFit Warm Up

First let’s warm up! Your warm up is so important. Warming up will help prevent injury. You can use my CrossFit warm up or choose one of your own.

Week 2 At Home CrossFit Plan

I had numerous requests for a how-to video, so I threw one together…don’t judge the’s pretty ghetto BUT it gets the job done!


and remember to email me if you have any questions!!